Encouraging replenished inner forces, courage to confront and overcome destructive patterns and habits, ability to fulfill ones potential with greater ease, reconnect with the inherent power and will within, a feeling of lightness.
For emotional exhaustion, fatigue or weariness after long struggles or chronic illness, inability to rouse inner forces to catalyze growth, regressing into addictions, overtaken by fears, mental absence or sleepiness due to depletion.
Take 4 drops, 4 times a day or as desired. Being a frequency medicine, dosing for essences may be intuitive. You may take directly, in water, or stirred into your bath.
Full Ingredients
Derived from organic corn, alcohol is used to tincture and preserve essences.
In the making of essences, flowers are imprinted through the sun's rays into structured water, which functions as a carrier of information from the plant.
Borage brings lightness and levity to the heart, counteracting times of heavy-heartedness and a lack of courage.
Lungwort helps re-instill light and hope into our bodily structures when depression and resignation have caused fatigue and weighed. us down.
Penstemon gives us strength and fortitude when confronting challenges and hardship. This essence can help empower us, allowing avoidance of victim mentality and a dimming down of our inner power.
Rosemary helps to bring in vitality and warmth throughout the body, allowing for the soul to be properly incarnated and expressed through our physical beings. This way, our higher forces can be expressed and worked out in the physical world, manifesting in mental clarity and the ability to take action.
Redwood helps to affirm our incarnation to bring about greater physical vitality, strength, and development.