Full Ingredients
Derived from organic corn, alcohol is used to tincture and preserve essences.
In the making of essences, flowers are imprinted through the sun's rays into structured water, which functions as a carrier of information from the plant.
Arnica is well known in Western herbalism as being an aid to physical traumas like cuts, bruises, and surgeries. The essence of arnica, holding the spirit of the plant, works in a similar way on a spiritual level within us. Arnica essence helps consolidate emotional shocks and traumas that contribute to fragmentation of our embodied experience.
Yerba santa, or "holy herb", helps guide us to release stuck emotions registered in the body, particularly the lungs, chest, and heart space. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Po spirit pertains to the lungs, and the emotion of the lungs is grief. This creates a strong correlation to the regions that yerba santa has an affinity towards.
Beautiful cassiope shows us the joy and beauty of the gift of this physical incarnation. Uniting body and spirit, cassiope helps us to see the divine purpose of being given this material, bodily gift.
Corn flower is a go-to essence for embodiment and grounding. Being astaple crop in the Americas since ancient times, corn has long signified the fertility and providence of the earth. Coming from the Mayan word "maiz", meaning "Universal Mother", corn has long been revered as the life-sustaining fruit of mother earth. The themes of nourishment and connection to the earth and land the corn holds translates to the healing qualities of its essence.