Full Ingredients
Derived from organic corn, alcohol is used to tincture and preserve essences.
In the making of essences, flowers are imprinted through the sun's rays into structured water, which functions as a carrier of information from the plant.
Mugwort helps to bring temperance to our psychic life, balancing the forces of expansion and contraction. When in balance, these states of consciousness can bring about enlightenment and expansion rather than excess fantasies and distortions.
Stunning star tulip helps to cultivate our receptivity and inner serenity. Through the states of meditation, prayer, and receptivity that star tulip supports, we are more readily able to receive communion with both deeper parts within ourselves as well as the spiritual world.
Queen Anne's lace, or wild carrot, is a wonderful essence when working with our psychic or spiritual vision. This flower opens us up to spiritual insight while granting us the wisdom of how to integrate it into our lives. The vision that queen Anne's lace imparts on us includes higher visions we have for ourselves and our world.
Hepatica essence guides us when we feel lost or confused about our life direction. It does so through helping us to have clearer vision of the messages and signs both within and outside of ourselves. Interestingly, hepatica is used in herbal medicine for ailments of the liver- the liver is the organ of the Hun, drawing an even deeper connection between this essence and the spiritual themes of the Hun.
Iris is a deeply inspiring essence. With an affinity for the third eye chakra, iris draws in inspiration from higher realms, allowing us vision and expression that is from a divine source, as well as the ability to impart it into our daily lives. Interestingly, the flower shares the name as a part of our eye, denoting its connection to our (spiritual) vision.