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Angel Dew Flower Essence

Angel Dew Flower Essence

Regular price $23.00 USD
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Angel Dew is intended to open oneself up to subtler realms for spiritual development and guidance. This can mean communion with angels, other guides, or simply the ability to release into states of meditation and dreaming.

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This remedy is intended to help those seeking to connect to oneself through guidance from other spirits, angels, and states of spirit/consciousness; enriched spiritual states and experiences through ability to sense, feel, and trust divine presence, ability to feel love and guidance from beyond.

Can help in dealing with feelings of being disconnected or severed from spiritual experiences, feeling alone or without guidance, inability to let go and trust into shifts of consciousness such as meditation, prayer, dreaming.

Take 4 drops, 4 times a day or as desired. Being a frequency medicine, dosing for essences may be intuitive. You may take directly, in water, or stirred into your bath.

Full Ingredients

organic alcohol,

Derived from organic corn, alcohol is used to tincture and preserve essences.


In the making of essences, flowers are imprinted through the sun's rays into structured water, which functions as a carrier of information from the plant.

organic and wildcrafted essences of Angelica archangelica,

Angelica helps us to recognise and feel our connection with the spirit realm. Through this connection, we tap into an unconditional love and protection that is always there for us. Feelings of loneliness and fear may stem from a disconnection to spiritual beings, making angelica a wonderfully supportive essence for many.

Aster alpigenus,

Sometimes the awe and expanse of the spiritual world can provoke fear in us. Alpine aster essence helps us to immerse into and confront spiritual states with courage and surrender. This way, we can expand beyond our physical states into greater spiritual development, personal evolution, and healing.

Calochortus tolmiei,

Stunning star tulip helps to cultivate our receptivity and inner serenity. Through the states of meditation, prayer, and receptivity that star tulip supports, we are more readily able to recieve communion with both deeper parts within ourselves as well as the spiritual world.

Hackelia micrantha

Known by various names like mountain forget-me-not or Jessica sticktight, the essence of this flower helps to connect us to our spiritual guides or guidance. Through connecting to the divine presences that we can cultivate relationships with, our path, purpose, and destiny can become elucidated and affirmed.

What We Offer

Organic, Wildcrafted, and Grass-Fed

Sourcing is at the forefront of Flora Numina products. Our botanicals and flower essences are organic or wildcrafted, and animal-based products are both organic and grass-fed (where applicable). We believe that if natural products are tainted by chemical influences such as pesticides and genetically modified ingredients, they can do more harm than good. We would rather miss out of making a product or using an ingredient if not available at a high purity than compromise on this belief.


Our skincare is focused on using healing and nourishing animal-based saturated fats. Products like tallow and ghee are highly stable, meaning they do not easily oxidise like unsaturated plant oils (such as rosehip oil, sunflower oil, and grapeseed oil which are all so popular in skincare). This is important as oxidisation can lead to skin damage, aging, inflammation, and so on.

In addition to stability, animal-based fats are loaded with fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants, and so on that feed and repair our skin, no matter the concern or skin type.

Since animals can store toxins in their fat, it is integral to source fats from healthy animals. This is why Flora Numina uses exclusively organic and grass-fed tallow and ghee harvested from pastured, healthy cows.

Practitioner Formulated

Flora Numina was founded by a certified flower essence practitioner and licensed acupuncturist who sought to bring her formulations to a larger population. With in-depth experience both personally and professionally with flower essences and herbal medicine, the offerings at Flora Numina are nuanced, intuitive, and made with love for both the plants and the people.

Respectfully Cultivated

Interacting with nature, Flora Numina ingredients are sourced respectfully with gratitude for the life force behind every botanical and animal-based ingredient. Where relevant, sustainable wildcrafting and ethical farming practices are employed.